Morgana for Queen of Camelot!!

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Bad luck today

So yesterday I decided that I wanted to to watch live an interview with Colin Morgan, Katie Mcgrath and some of the knights of the round table of the series Merlin in a morning show from BBC1 but I just gave up at 2 a.m. Mexico (8 a.m. England). The next day, or well, some hours later I woke up at 11 a.m. and went directly to my tumblr dashboard to see if the interviews had been uploaded, and of course they were :D h

ahaha it seems I wasn't going to make it anyways because some of the interviews were like 2 hours after I went to sleep XD

I love how Katie was the only girl but she seemed to be okay with it, it reminded me when I'm the only girl around my friends. Eoin (I think that his name XD) poking her arm was funny hehehe

Well, I also tried to watch the episode live but the damn streaming keep stopping and it was really annoying >_< so as I didn't want to throw my laptop through the window I decided that it was better if I downloaded the episode later... which is what I'm doing right now ~_~

Anyways, I haven't checked my dashboard today because I want to see the episode first and then I can start my fangirling and all that *_*

Have fun everyone!

P.D. Gocchin, Mikitty and Yocchan in a NEW picture together *_* AWESOME!!!

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011


Gosh I really need to start writing again XD

The good news is that I've found two new things to love <3



Yep!!!! I'll try to make a post about each of them or maybe in Merlin's case a post about eache season...? (3 seasons now and a 4th one, which premiere is on october 1st, so excited!!!!)

Well, let see what happens!

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

So many things going on...

Yeah, there are so many things going on right now in my life, it's quite tiring u_u Even when many of these things doesn't actually concern me, but it still affects my mood

Also, school is getting really tough, I'm really stressed out... I need some vacation!!! Seriously, I even have lost track of almost all my fandoms, kpop, jpop, haropro, anime x_x and the worst thing is that I think I kind of lost interest in most of them... I never thought this would happen but I guess it did... I really hope this is just a temporary thing, 'cause I had a really good time then, graduations, new groups, and all that stuff...

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


Siiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Están de regreso! Mis queridisisimas OG Momusu están de vuelta con 2 tours y un album!

-y sí, obviamente esto significa que también están de regreso todos esos comentarios en contra de ellas, que si ya estan viejas, que opacaran a las momusu de ahora, que es tan lamentable que tengan que volver a esto porque no tienen nada más que hacer- ¿PERDÓN? ¿Escuché bien? ¿Que no tienen nada más que hacer?!!!! O sea, el hecho de que ellos no tengan idea de lo que es de sus vidas actualmente (en el showbusiness, claro está) no quiere decir que no hagan nada. Muchas de ellas están regularmente en televisión como invitadas en programas y/o comerciales o haciendo cosas relacionadas con la moda o deportes o haciendo obras de teatro/musicales-

Y es por esta razón que me alegró mucho saber que volverán a juntarse para cantar y más que nada divertirse y disfrutar del momento junto con sus fans... lo que daría por poder ir a algunos de sus conciertos T____T

Me emociona pensar en esas dos nuevas canciones del album y espero que al escuchar el Disco 2 que contiene todas las classics de momusu me lleve la sorpresa de que la distribución de las lineas ha cambiado... Mikitty y Yossy cantando en Seishun no Hikari *_*

Espero no surjan inconvenientes y que todo salga bien! A pesar de haberme hecho fan a inicios del 2007, debo decir que el Elder Club rules in my heart!!!
Dream Momusu is getting ready!!!